Does Conditioner Make Hair Grow Faster: Myth or Truth

woman smiling while applying hair conditioner

We’re always looking for new ways to Make Our Hair Grow Faster, especially as summer quickly approaches. Now’s the time when many of us are turning up our diets, and maybe even adding a hair growth vitamin to our routine.

All these different ways that help your hair grow faster…but what about your conditioner?

We know how important conditioner is to the health of your hair, but is there any truth to the idea that it can actually make your hair grow faster?

Yes, and no. Let us explain.

How Conditioner Helps Your Hair Grow Faster

Hair grows at its full potential when everything is working together.

That means that your body is getting all the important vitamins and nutrients that hair uses to grow, you’re staying Hydrated, and your Scalp and hair is in a good growth environment. In other words, a clean scalp and moisturized hair.

Your Shampoo and essential oils can keep your scalp clean, and your conditioner moisturizes your hair follicles which does in fact Help Hair Grow Faster.

Here’s why: Dry, Brittle Hair cannot grow very well at all.

Conditioner helps replace the all important growth proteins in your hair shafts. It also helps seal the cuticle to Prevent Damage and give it free reign to grow as much as it possibly can without breakage, helping you reach your hair growth goals.

So does conditioner help your hair grow faster? Yep. It sure does.

How to Make Your Conditioner More Effective

To make sure your conditioner is doing everything it can to make your grow long as quickly as possible, keep these tips in mind…

Use Conditioner Every Time Your Hair is Wet

It should become second nature to condition your hair when you take a shower or a bath. This is not the case with shampoo, which can strip your hair of its natural oils with overwashing.

Even just a quick conditioning rinse to coat your hair strands before washing and styling your hair can make a difference. The Sun, salt and chlorine during these summer months can dry out your hair quickly. If you want your hair to grow and look healthy, don’t skimp on the conditioner.

Check the Label

What conditioner makes your hair grow faster? It depends, but you can get a much better idea of what to expect just by looking at the product label.

Make sure your conditioner is water-based and contains all-natural ingredients whenever possible. It should definitely include certain growth vitamins like Biotin and Zinc.

Infusing these nutrients into your hair (along with nutrients from your diet such as Vitamin C, Niacin and Iron) will make sure your hair has all the strength it needs. Stay away from any shampoos and conditioners that contain any names that you can’t pronounce. Keep it natural.

Let it Sit

Sometimes your hair is really dry and needs a bit of extra care. If you’re not in a rush, leave your conditioner in your hair for a few extra minutes, up to 30. Then, wash it out as usual. Your hair will be extra-moisturized and ready to grow.

If your hair hasn’t been growing as quickly as it normally had, it could be from the summer heat or a number of other lifestyle factors.

If you haven’t conditioned your hair in a few days, give it a chance to really soak into your hair follicles and give them the Protein they need. It might not grow faster right away, but it will become healthier and grow longer over time with less breakage.

Conditioner for Hair Growth

So there you have it. Conditioner really does help hair grow faster. Not because it creates a special reaction or effect, but because it helps keep your hair healthy and ready to grow at its full potential.

A Good Conditioner will give dry hair the protein it needs to grow, and protect it from any damage that could slow it down.

If you want to know what shampoo and conditioner makes your hair grow faster, remember to look at the bottle. Stay away from anything you can’t pronounce. And when you find one you like, stick with it.

Consistency is key if you want to start seeing results before summer officially starts. Good luck!

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